Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Upcoming Dates

Please keep the following dates in mind for the upcoming weeks:

 Wednesday October 14th - 2 hour early dismissal for all students

 Tuesday October 27th - End of the first nine week marking period. Please make sure all missing assignments and extra credit if offered by any teachers are turned in by the end of the day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Picture Make Up Day

If you missed school pictures, the make-up day is Tuesday, October 13th. If you want to have your pictures re-taken, you have to bring your original pictures in with you to turn in that same day.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Titans of the Month - September 2015

Congratulations to the Titans who earned the students of the month for the month of September. Your teachers are very proud of you. Keep up the great work.

Theme Days

The following theme days will take place this week.

Wednesday - Pirate Day

Friday - Pink Day #2